Corporate Governance

With 15% of its shares publicly held after the IPO carried out on May 15, 2008, Türk Telekomünikasyon A.Ş. ("Türk Telekom") pays utmost attention for implementing the principles contained in the Corporate Governance Principles published by the Capital Markets Board of Turkey (“CMB”).
Türk Telekom takes the utmost care to implement the principles stipulated in the Corporate Governance Principles issued by the Capital Markets Board and monitors the interests of all shareholders and stakeholders at equal distance in a transparent and close relationship. In this context, an independent corporate governance compliance assessment is carried out annually.
Türk Telekom takes utmost care to ensure that internal processes function in compliance with CMB legislation.
The Corporate Governance Committee shall provide the implementation, improvement and adoption of corporate governance principles within the Company and shall convene as often as deemed necessary to ensure the effectiveness of its work. Türk Telekom’s Investor Relations and Sustainability Director also serves as a member of the Corporate Governance Committee.
With its initiatives, Türk Telekom has raised its position in the national and international indices in the areas of Corporate Governance and Sustainability.
Türk Telekom has been included in the BIST Corporate Governance Index since 2009 and is the only telecom company to be listed in the Index. Moreover, Türk Telekom has been included in the BIST Sustainability Index since 2014 when the index was established. The importance that the Company places on environmental, social and corporate governance policies and its exemplary practices have played an important role in Türk Telekom’s successful performance in the BIST Sustainability Index.