Emission Management

Emission Management

As Türk Telekom, we are working to prevent greenhouse gas emissions, one of the main causes of climate change.

We have set important targets to ourselves which make an integral part of our sustainability agenda. In order to systematically reduce our carbon footprint, we aimed to achieve a 35% reduction in total amount of 2020's scope 1 and scope 2 carbon emissions by 2023 and to increase the capacity to generate energy from solar energy by 60%. In addition to the energy efficiency projects we implemented in line with our targets, we also obtained I-REC certificates and significantly reduced our emission amount.

In 2022, we prevented 30% of scope 2 emissions through our energy efficiency projects and the I- REC certificates we obtained. As a result, in 2022, we reduced the total scope 1 and scope 2 carbon emissions by 22% compared to 2020, approaching our target of 35%.

In harmony with our sustainability approach, we offer products and services that support a lowcarbon economy. In continuation of our efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we support our value chain with products and services that have low carbon emissions.

We comprehensively calculate our greenhouse gas emissions from our domestic operations annually by adopting an operational control approach as described in the GHG Protocol and 2006 IPCC Guidelines for National Greenhouse Gas Inventories. The calculation of emissions we create as a result of our annual activities are verified by an authorised independent institution.

We emitted 584 thousand tonnes of CO₂ equivalent (CO₂e) greenhouse gas emissions during the reporting period of 2022. Out of the total amount of emissions, the direct emissions from fuel consumption and coolers account for 130 thousand tonnes of CO₂e, the indirect emissions from the use of electricity for 427 thousand tonnes of CO₂e, and the indirect emissions from the supply chain over which we have no operational control for 27 thousand tonnes of CO₂e.

In 2022, we maintained the downward trend in Scope 1 emissions, achieving 598 tonnes reduction in CO₂e compared to the previous year. We increased the amount of reduction to 1,712 tonnes CO₂e or 1.3% compared to 2020. Our success in steadily reducing carbon emissions has been reinforced by the implementation of our energy efficient projects.

We reduced our power consumption by 81 thousand MWh and our Scope 2 CO₂e emissions by 39 thousand tonnes in 2022 thanks to the energy efficiency projects we put in place in accordance with our goals.

I-REC certificates are certifications that demonstrate the environmental quality of electricity generated from each 1 MWh of renewable energy. Growing our renewable energy certification to five-folds compared to last year, we purchased 297 thousand MWh I-REC certificates in 2022, in order to increase our renewable energy usage and our support for renewable energy certificates. As a result, we offset 144 thousand tonnes of CO₂e of total Scope 2 emissions in the year through the purchase of I-REC renewable energy certificates.

Consequently, in 2022 we managed to reduce Scope 2 emissions from electricity usage to 102 thousand tonnes CO₂e, a 19% decrease from the year before. We lowered Scope 2 emissions by 27% to 155 thousand tonnes of CO₂e compared to 2020. All these efforts have allowed us to reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions by 22% as of 2022 compared to 2020, moving us closer to the reduction target we set of 35% by 2023.

We achieved category expansion to support our science-based target process that we aim to implement in Scope 3 emissions. We included emissions from purchased goods and services, emissions from activities based on the use of fuel and energy, and emissions from upstream transportation and distribution in Scope 3 calculations for the first time in the reporting period of 2022.